Hey Educators! Now your students can learn to play steel pan…for Free!
Starting a steel band requires instruments, music, stands, mallets, and of course, people to play them. Well, if you can provide the players, we’ll provide EVERYTHING ELSE! Founded in February of 2018, Pan-handlers Educational Outreach offers a program unlike any other. For a few days or even a few weeks, your students can experience having a 16-piece steel pan ensemble at their disposal for rehearsal and performance, receive instruction from experienced pan-playing educators, all for no out-of-pocket cost to your program or school. No gimmicks. No fine print. Just a non-profit sponsored program (Chops, Inc. is a 501(c)(3)) offering world music exposure to students who might otherwise never have the opportunity to play pan.
Would you like to add pans to an upcoming concert? Have you thought about starting a steel band but would like to get your feet wet first? Do you need some cross-curriculum options encompassing geography or cultural studies? Sick of listening to recorder in your general music class? Have another idea that might enhance your current curriculum or lesson plan? Please consider hosting this educational outreach. The curriculum offered can be customized/adjusted to the specific needs of YOUR program:
● Steel pan clinic/classes covering history, development, pedagogy of the instrument, and the culture from which it was developed.
● Group lessons/rehearsals where students play the pans in an ensemble setting
● Performance options and preparation
● Educator training/resources
● Custom arrangements adding pan parts to YOUR existing ensemble(s)
Please fill out the “contact us” form or go to www.panoutreach.org for more information. We’ll be happy to discuss any details and answer all questions you may have about the educational outreach and how to host.